Ofsted Report
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. This body reports directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial. One of the duties of Ofsted is to inspect schools. Inspections are usually once every four years and schools are telephoned the day before an inspection takes place. Our last inspection was in November 2017.
There are two different types of Inspection: a Section 8 inspection is a 'health check' for good schools and determines whether the school continues to provide a good standard of education and that safeguarding is effective. A Section 5 inspection is where a school was judged as requires improvement at its last inspection.
An inspection lasts no longer than two days. To prepare before the visit, Inspectors look at the school's self-evaluation, consider the school's performance results and examine the previous inspection report
Once they are in the school, the inspectors meet with senior leaders, visit lessons, talk with teachers about their subject area of responsibility and speak to staff and children.
To access our 2023 inspection report, please click here
To view our performance data for 2023, please click here.
To view our performance data for 2022, please click here.